MySQL is one of popular database on linux platform, and I would like to share how to use MySQL database as a source on Google Data Studio.

Followings are the pre-condition you need to prepare before setup your database as a source

If you ready above, you can set its JDBC URL as following

jdbc:mysql://<hostname or IP address>[:<port>]/<database>

Note that you cannot put "localhost", because Google Data Studio server needs to connect to your MySQL server remotely for getting necessary data - meaning it should be public IP address.

If everything above is ready, let us start connection by MySQL Connector.

STEP 1. Select "Data Source" and click "+" to create new data source on Google Data Studio
STEP 2. Select ""Cloud SQL for MySQL" to setup a data source from MySQL.
STEP 3. Click "Authorize" and "Allow"
STEP 4. Put the connection information on Basic and 
STEP 5. You will be able to see table list like below. Mine has only one table below:
STEP 6. If everythig is okay, just click "Create Report" and make your own report.